The cycle of the four Seasons has always fascinated mankind. It aspired many great masterpieces and compositions...
The music of Latin America and Spain is rich of emotions, rhythm, melodies, art...
The clarinet is as closely insolved in Klezmer as hardly any other instrument...
The clarinet is an integral part of film music. Many titles have now become classics...
Classical music is the basis, the foundation on which many musicians build...
Symphonic jazz is a wide and interesting musical field. The combination of composition and improvisation has been fascinating..
Three new symphonic Jazz clarinet concerts: Calandrelli, Freiberg, Beal. Three multi-awarded composers with great visions...
Faust reinterpreted. For speaker, clarinet, cello and electronics. A sound sculpture...
Andy Miles - clarinet
Laura Wiek - cello
Clarinet and cello - An emotional and extraordinary interesting meeting...